Why MOBILIZE my customer base?

Reprinted from Resdida.com

We are always online, and for many of us, when we are not at our computers on the Internet, we find ourselves online still on our mobile phones! The Internet is omnipresent in our lives, for better or for worse. So given the prevalence of email and the Internet, why would we choose to contact our customers via SMS? 

Many don’t consider the fact that there are well over 1Billion people living without email or Internet access around the world in both developed and developing countries. Yet at the same time, mobile phone penetration is growing at an enormous rate. In fact, one billion connections were created in the last year alone!

Of course, I am not suggesting foregoing email or Internet in favor of SMS, but SMS does a lot to round out the communications strategy and can support the efforts face-to-face and over email. It works well in addition to other strategies because there are times when customers are away from their computers and email or are in remote areas that are hard to reach except via cell towers. The cell phone is that bridge over the last mile that connects even the farthest place to information and services that would otherwise not be accessible. 

Think to yourself about your email habits: do you read everything you get? Now think about your text message habits: do you read every text message? The “sound-bite” brevity of text messages and the immediacy of having them in your hand day and night make them less time-consuming and even more personal. People tend to only give out their cell phone numbers to people and organizations they care about which gives the information a slightly higher priority. Plus in most countries there is no charge to receive messages, making them ideal for serving the poor in large numbers.

Remember, adopting a text message strategy neither needs to be complex or time-consuming. Using online software, like our MOBILIZE application, means you can get started very quickly sending and receiving information to and from mobile phones nearly anywhere in the world. With MOBILIZE, we work to make all this as simple and seamless as possible. On many levels (cultural, financial and social), we are helping you “reach your customers where they are at.”