
Vincent, KL & Laurel Bray-Hanin (April, 2024). Patient Empowerment: Web-based New Patient Self-Scheduling, NCCN Best Practices Committee, National Comprehensive Cancer Network NCCN 2024 Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.

            Vincent, K.L. et al (May, 2022) Web Self-scheduling Attracts New Patients, Saves Staff Time, Provides Quality Provider Visits and 71% of Patients go on for Follow-up Care (Poster Presentation), UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium, San Francisco, California.  

          Vincent, K.L. (July, 2010) Cloud Applications for Small and Medium Enterprises (Panel Discussion), Wine Industry Technology Symposium (WITS 2010), Napa, California. 

            Vincent, K.L. (May, 2010) Resdida, an Overview Given for the World Bank Innovations Practice, San Francisco SoMa Hub, San Francisco, California.

            Vincent, K.L. (February, 2005) Geographic Information Systems Applications for Intelligence and Asset Protection, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Infragard, Pleasanton, California. 

            Vincent, K.L. (October, 2004) Geographic Information Systems Applications for Intelligence and Asset Protection, New York Metro Area Chapter of Infragard, New York, New York.

             Vincent, K.L. (December, 2002)  Digital Orthophotography and Adobe Products for Crime Analysis Problem Solving,  Sixth Annual International Crime Mapping Research Conference, Mapping & Analysis for Public Safety, National Institute of Justice, Denver, Colorado.

             Vincent, K.L. (September, 2002)  Getting Results with ArcView, California Crime and Intelligence Analyst’s Association 2002 Statewide Training Conference, Monterey, California.

            Vincent, K.L. (December, 2000) Intranet Crime Mapping using ArcExplorer, Fourth Annual International Crime Mapping Research Conference, Crime Mapping Research Center, National Institute of Justice, San Diego, California.

            Vincent, K.L. (April, 1996). Mapping the Weekly Cycle of Domestic Disputes, Celebrating scholarship through posters, University Women’s Professional Advancement, Carbondale, Illinois.

            Vincent, K.L. (October, 1993). Differences in Reading Comprehension: Hardcopy versus CRT, TriState Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Rockford, Illinois

            Vincent, K.L. (April, 1993). Gender Differences in the Use of Mnemonic Devices, ILLOWA Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Galesburg, Illinois.