Combining Mobile Tactics to Simplify Mobile Communications in Emergencies

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In the case of disaster, like the tornado damage in Harrisburg, IL, information is priceless and communication ranges from difficult to impossible. With landline wires down and cell reception poor, a mobile may not be able to send or receive a call, but can often send and receive a low-bandwidth text message. It can be a great help to have a mobile communications tool that you can setup quickly for sending and receiving key information from and to emergency services in the field and the community at large.


I grew up in tornado country and still have family there, so this particular use is close to my heart. SMS can be used to warn people prior to destruction and can help them find resources during the aftermath. I want to take a moment to walk through the aftermath with you and discuss how QR Codes can be integrated with SMS text messaging to enhance communications.

One of the largest struggles in SMS text messaging programs is with communicating the instructions that will help people subscribe and participate. It typically goes something like this: “Please text hburg to 80474 to subscribe.” What if you could replace these words with a simple picture? You can use an image, like a QR code, that tells the phone exactly what to do so that the user can get started faster. An example is here on the right.

There are several mobile apps across all of the various platforms that read these QR codes. The user simply opens the app, points the camera at the code and the app tells the phone to complete the requested task. If you have a QR Code reader application for your smart phone, scan the above image now. It will prepare the SMS message for you. You will then be able to follow the steps on the screen to send it and start the process.

When using my smart phone QR Reader on the above image, I am immediately brought to the screen below on the left. To execute the SMS text message, I click the create/edit button on the bottom right of the screen (looks like a box with a pencil).


When I do that, I am brought to my smart phone SMS text messaging application where the message has been prepared for me (see the above image on the right). Then, I simply press Send.

So the process is nearly automatic for the user, making everything much simpler. This simplicity is priceless during a crisis. The QR Code for subscribing can be printed in local papers, presented on posters in the community and available in shelters.

If you’ve done this yourself while reading, you will notice that you still need to opt-in to receive the texts by returning “Y”. Once subscribed, officials can keep you updated on any concerns or calls to action for the area.

The welcome message also asks you for more information about your status which will be used to target messages to specific groups when necessary. For instance if you indicate you are living in the shelter the types of information you will need may be different from folks living in their dwelling. Those whose dwellings were not damaged will need different information from those whose homes were hit by the storm directly.

Codes like these can also help people get directions to key locations, like staging areas, clinics, etc. Let’s say that you have a staging area for emergency care, food rations, etc and you would like to make sure that people can find you quickly and easily. You can use a SPARQ code to map your location on the user’s smart phone so that they can map their way to find you. 

You can try this now with your QR reader on your smart phone. It will open your mapping application and mark the location for you. Then, you can use your mapping application to get directions to the site.

During an emergency response, especially in disasters where fear, isolation, a lack of sanitation, poor nutrition and injuries are wide-spread and dangerous, communication can be a lifesaver. Collecting and sharing information can mean the difference between life and death and mobiles can provide great reach and make a large impact.

There are so many ways to make use of QR Codes to simplify and streamline your mobile program and it seems that new possibilities are constantly emerging. Resdida works to stay on top of all of these emerging technologies so that we can translate them into results for our clients. Working together, a strong mobile presence is easily within reach.